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Police Check the Temporary Population in Jincheng Precinct for Mopping Crime Project

Police Check the Temporary Population in Jincheng Precinct for Mopping Crime Project


Reported by: Jhuang Huan-Ning in Jincheng Township

In 2018, security on major holidays shall be reinforced. To maintain security in the precinct by identifying root causes of crimes and wiping out crimes with the resources in communities, Director-General of Jincheng Precinct under Kinmen County Police Bureau, Li Jhih-Yuan, requested each police station to continuously promote the household awareness of crime prevention, prevent the recidivism among the population that arouses security concerns, and check the unregistered population, hoping to maintain good security, smooth traffic, and peace of mind so that citizens can enjoy a good year.

According to Jincheng Precinct, a poll showed that Kinmen County had the highest happiness index among cities/counties in Taiwan. With rapid economic growth in recent years, Taiwanese groups, international duty-free shops, and new construction projects have brought a lot of job opportunities. According to the statistics the population in Kinmen County has exceeded 130,000, accompanied by an increase in the number of temporary residents who mostly lived in construction workers’ dorms and leased apartments. The complexity of the population as well as empty houses and idle iron houses has become the sources of crimes.
Through the “Mopping Crime Project”, Jincheng Precinct planned to check places of the complex population and frequent movements in the precinct, such as adult entertainment premises, leased apartments and suites, empty houses, factories, iron houses, and construction workers’ dorms, and undertake measures such as household visits, awareness promotion, persuasion, and restrictions, so as to control hot spots of crime, areas where potential perpetrators gather, and areas with a high risk of crime and collect information for formulating work plans and crime prevention strategies. Dynamic actions will be continuously taken to screen and check potential perpetrators and deter them from perpetration, providing the citizens in Kinmen secure living space.

Director-General Li indicated that checking the temporary population is an ongoing project as prevention is better than cure. Director-General Li also hoped that the citizens could actively report suspicious people and matters near their houses by dialing 110 or a police station’s telephone number, so as to reduce crimes and improve security in the precinct.

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