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Park Guided Tour:2015-11-19
Free flowers and trees giveaway2015-11-19
Cutting and trimming of dying or dangerous trees2015-11-19
How do I donate money or stuff to Home to All?2013-06-05
Are you recruiting volunteers at present? How can I apply to join?2013-06-05
Are husband and wife qualified for double room service?2013-06-05
Is veteran or retired civil citizen or teacher qualified for applying? 2013-06-05
Can we visit your facility before making the final decision?2013-06-05
How long does it take to apply for residence in here?2013-06-05
Will the previous life allowance for low income household or old age pension be kept for the person who moves in the facility?2013-06-05
How can we apply for young children placement in your institution? What documents are required?2013-06-05
Do you take patients that are paralyzed (due to a stroke or some other illness)?2013-06-05
What kind of checkup form is required? What are the mandatory items?2013-06-05
Do you have self-funded home care? How much do you charge this service?2013-06-05
How can we apply for placement in your institution?2013-06-05
What does the subsidization cover for the elderly home care?2013-06-05
What is the requirement for qualification to apply for placement of elderly people?2013-06-05
What shall I take with me to apply for elderly home care?2013-06-05
How are marriages between R.O.C. citizens and foreigners registered?2012-08-07
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